Make a contribution

Big or small, personal or corporate, every contribution means the world to us. Your donations get trash out of the oceans. They help people get a connection to nature leading to a more clear understanding of ocean pollution. As an nonprofit organisation that offers a free of charge service we are depending on your support to keep the kayaks on the water and let everyone paddle for cleaner oceams. Thank you! 


MobilePay: 21893

Bank details:

Account holder: GREENKAYAK

Account number: 9570 13742707

IBAN: DK0830000013742707


Thank you
Together, we paddle for cleaner oceans!


Make a contribution

Big or small, personal or corporate, every contribution means the world to us. Your donations get trash out of the oceans. They help people get a connection to nature leading to a more clear understanding of ocean pollution. As an nonprofit organisation that offers a free of charge service we are depending on your support to keep the kayaks on the water and let everyone paddle for cleaner oceams. Thank you! 


MobilePay: 21893

Bank/Danske Bank:

Account number: 9570 12580452

IBAN: DK3530000012580452


Thank you
Together, we paddle for the oceans!